955 Royal Marco Way Marco Island FL, 34145


$ 2 390 000.00
Lot Size: 
For Sale
Sq. Ft.: 
3 985.00

Get in on the ground floor. This beautiful Island home will break ground in the next few months. With first floor 6 car garage and room for more this home offers an elevator at ground level. Taking you to the second main living floor which holds a mini-master suite and two bedrooms. Living room and kitchen. On the third floor you come off of the elevator into a room that can be used as an office or a private theatre room, walking through the hall leads you to the Master Suite with an incredible master bathroom offering a urinal for the men and a separate wash room with a bidet and toilet. With a second floor pool this house offers a lifestyle only few dream of, a must see will not last long.

218 037 449

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